Tanning - the guilty pleasure I just can't give up


As the snow begins to fall and the weather continues to drop, the last remnants of summer tans fade away. As students realize their sun-kissed skin is slowly but surely disappearing, they turn to alternative sources to darken their skin tones.

Everyone is aware of the dangers of tanning, the possibilities of skin cancer and the prominence of burning under the intense UV rays. In fact, there is no longer any debate over the ill-effects of tanning beds because they have been proven to be carcinogenic as the risk of melanoma continues to rise with those who use beds for artificial tans. However, many still find their way to tanning beds when the winter weather results in pale skin or a special occasion calls for a nice bronze.

While many people are against tanning and shake their heads at those who pay to sit in beds and potentially harm themselves, there are still many who tan on a regular basis. I am one of those people, and I can honestly say that I plan to continue tanning regardless of all the potential health harms. Many would see a problem with this, but I cannot say that I would rather be pale for four months than tan for fifteen minutes.

I am not one of those girls who started tanning just for fun or vanity. My mother actually encouraged me to tan, which can seem strange to people whose mother's strongly discourage tanning. However, when I was younger I had horrible acne, and before I went on heavy medication for my skin, tanning cleared up many of my problem areas. Even my dermatologist recommended tanning in moderation throughout the winter when the natural sunlight wasn't there to help out my skin. Other than clearing up my skin, I was also encouraged to tan before Spring Break so that I did not get a horrible burn that kept me inside for the remainder of my vacation.

I like to tell myself that even though I am tanning, I am doing so in moderation. I never go overboard, I always wear the eye goggles, and I try to stay away from the orange "oompa loompa" look. Yet, if I'm being honest, I know that what I am doing is not the best thing for my health. Whenever someone gives me a hard time for tanning, they always tell me I will get skin cancer. Maybe in 20 years, I will really regret my decision, and I will realize the dangers I should not have ignored. But in the mean time, I am not going to lie to others or myself and hide the fact that I love to tan.

From my time spent here at DePauw, I have determined that there are two tanning places many students regularly go to. One tanning salon in Greencastle is Extreme Tanning at 1360 Indianapolis Road, and another is Superior Tanning at 1240 North Jackson Street. Both seem to be equally popular on campus, but I prefer Superior Tanning because of their excellent hospitality. You like to feel comfortable where you tan, and I am glad I have a new place to go to when the winter weather gets me (and my skin tone) down.

So while I know that tanning is bad for me, and I know that many may disagree with my decision, I'm also firm in my stance to continue tanning in the future. And while it may be dangerous in the first place, I will take all the necessary precautions to ensure my safety. If you're curious about tanning because your mother never allowed you to do so, give it a try in college on your own terms and see what all the talk is about. If you don't believe in tanning, stay strong in your beliefs. But maybe in the near future, I'll bump into you at Superior Tanning. Can't wait to see you there.

- Snively is a freshman from Carmel, Ind. majoring in economics.