Union Board anticipates a sold-out Posner performance


Union Board's annual spring concert Saturday will feature Mike Posner, Kelley James, Wale, Big Sean, and DJL! in Kresge Auditorium.  

After receiving criticism in the past, Union Board opted to distribute surveys to students earlier this year in an attempt to better gauge what artists students might like to see. 

Driven by students' desires for a bigger concert with bigger artists, Union Board chose Posner due to his popularity among students. While some artists were unavailable or too expensive, Posner was one of students' top choices that fit Union Board's budget. 

"A lot depends on the availability of artists for the semester and the amount of funds we are allocated," said junior Peter Haigh, Union Board Co-President. "In some ways we have some pretty strict restraints." 

Union Board Co-President senior Delana Colvin expects Posner to bring a good show that will be exciting for students. 

"I'm really looking forward to it and I think it's the first concert a lot of students are really, really excited for," she said. "It's such a big concert with a variety of artists. There will be at least one artist there that you are going to like." 

Posner is expected to arrive on campus Saturday afternoon, but neither Colvin nor Haigh could speak for how he will want to spend his time on campus. Kelley James will be opening for Posner, and additional openers will include Wale, Big Sean and DJ L, and an additional DJ has also been scheduled to play both before the first performance and in between artists. 

"Who is Mike Posner? I'm more excited to see Wale and Big Sean," sophomore Brennan Martin said. 

Tickets were sold last week and will be sold today from 2:30-4 p.m. Tickets will continue to be sold at the door, but students are encouraged to purchase them ahead of time as Union Board members anticipate a sold-out show. 

"I think it's awesome that someone so well-known is coming to DePauw," freshman Stefani Cleaver said. "Unfortunately I'm not going because I have formal, but I wish I could." 

The doors to Kresge Auditorium will open at 6 p.m. Saturday, and the performances are scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. The doors will close at 7:30 p.m.