Greek Week recap, a goal achieved


The changes to this year's Greek Week centered around unity amongst all students, and the creators believe this goal was accomplished.
The events of Greek Week were altered this year to encourage students from different Greek organizations to mingle and work together. A committee of 25 students from Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Association, Psi Lambda Xi, National Pan-Hellenic Council and Multicultural Greek Council worked together to revise the week's events. One of the most noticeable changes was in the Greek Olympics. This year the event paired together students from all organizations in relay races.
"[Greek Olympics] was a lot of fun, it was a lot of rigorous activity. It was all the fraternities working together as one Greek unit," sophomore Patrick Orzog said. "I think it was neat making each Greek house work together. Without teamwork we wouldn't have been able to win gold."
The goal for Greek unity was not only geared towards joining together the IFC and the Panhellenic Association but also Psi Xi, NPC and MGC. Senior ShaDe' Watson, president of NPHC, found this goal to be met.
"I feel like NPHC has been included much more than ever before," Watson said. "[This year] everyone has been involved, even the events with competitions, people have been getting to know each other."
Senior Erica Mills, Vice President of Programming for the Panhelinic Association, also found the combination of the organizations to be successful.
"People were able to meet others, with the events they have gotten to know others," Mills said.
While organizers say Greek unity seems to have been met, attendance to events was lower than years past.
"I think [attendance] was up and down. In past years I think there was more attendance. I think people are still bitter about Greek God and Goddess moving out of Greek Week," Watson said.
The week will conclude with the Unity Step Show tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Lily Field house.
"We have our Unity Step Show, which we are really excited about," Mills said. "[The students] have been practicing all week and getting close with their coaches."