Letter to the editor


In response to Grant Walters' letter to the editor: you have exemplified all of the valid points Johnson was clearly making in her article, and all of the minority communities represented at DePauw University would agree that your ignorance reflects the overall ignorance of racism by the majority at DePauw. I would encourage you to re-read her piece and to apologize for not attacking her opinion, but her identity as a black woman on this campus. Johnson was not revealing everyone with privilege to have a narrow perspective. She was merely raising awareness of the idea of this "privilege attitude" that is dominantly prevalent on campus in its many shapes and forms. Personally, I was called "Nigger" by truckers speeding down Jackson Street and Hanna Street. A couple of years ago, the KKK purposefully threw a snake at a black female walking around campus. Friends have been racially insulted by our own sheriff here in Greencastle, and black males who were going maybe five miles over the limit had dogs brought to their car by the authorities as if they were criminals committing high level crimes. Might I mention, this IS happening in 2014, and no, it is not 1951?!

A homosexual male was deliberately dragged out of a fraternity house due to his sexual preference. Therefore, these are the current experiences. Your ignorance reveals not only your rude character, but also displays how you and many others are not aware of these experiences. I do not necessarily say it is your fault entirely for your ignorance of these situations due to the "DePauw bubble." Thus, it is not falsehood.
You should be appalled at these personal experiences being told to the administration, and yet there is a slow progression in resolving these issues. Now that you have been informed, I encourage you and the rest of DePauw to make better, conscious decisions of how we interact and perceive each other. Instead of silencing Johnson, you can support her in raising more awareness and being proactive in addressing these issues here at our DePauw University.

Shani Glover, Senior Communications major