Faculty discuss search for VPAA, new courses in March meeting


 With 20 faculty members missing, attendance was low at the monthly faculty meeting on Monday.
"Call a colleague?" Bridget Gourley, chair of faculty, quipped about the small turnout.
At the meeting, faculty members discussed issues including an update on the search for a new vice president of the Office of Academic Affairs, this year's participation in the student-faculty research survey of student alcohol usage, changes in course requirements for anthropology and sociology majors and new ideas to promote sustainability on DePauw's campus.
"I'm sure we can choose a VP before the Vatican Chooses a Pope," Wayne Glausser, representative for the vice president of Academic Affairs search committee said.
The four finalists for the VPAA position will appear on campus during the course of this semester, faculty will submit their opinions of the candidates in an online survey.
Pam Propsom, professor of psychology, announced that this year marks the last installation of the student-faculty research survey of student alcohol usage.
"'Cause you know, we really solved the alcohol problem," Propsom said sarcastically.
For the past eight years, professors have proctored a student alcohol survey during the first week of March. DePauw has used the results from this survey as a primary source of data regarding the attitudes and behaviors of students towards alcohol.
Faculty members in attendance unanimously approved the installment of two new classes to the sociology and anthropology department course catalogue, including a quarter credit pro-seminar in anthropology and sociology. According to the Management of Academic Operations, the addition of this course would bump the required credits for future anthropology and sociology majors from 9 credits to 9.25 credits.
Faculty members also approved the addition of a 200-level medical sociology course to the catalogue as an additional option for sociology majors.
While the DePauw community has actively participated in Energy Games, Christopher Wells, vice president for communications and strategic initiatives, presented the Sustainability Committee's plans to further increase awareness on campus.
"We plan to work hand-in-hand with the renovations to Lilly Center," Wells said.
Representative for the Committee of Administration (COA), Kent Menzel, discussed the results of the faculty survey regarding the 3-2 workload. The 3-2 workload plan would reduce the number of courses taught by faculty members from six courses a year to five courses a year.
A quarter of responses to the survey's first question commented on the concern for scholarly and artistic growth. Thirty-four percent of the responses were related to teaching while 10 percent believe the time should be used to attract new faculty to DePauw. Menzel also commented that the COA would also investigate the possibility of long care insurance as an option for faculty members.
The next faculty meeting will be held on Monday, April 1 in the Union Building Ballroom.