Letter to the Editor


When emotionally charged issues come to the foreground of campus affairs, we must remember that we are all Tigers. As DePauw Tigers we must be resolute in our commitment to promote equal access and equality throughout the liberal arts experience. Therefore, as members of DePauw Student Government Executive Board, we find it unacceptable that students on campus feel vulnerable, marginalized and discriminated against.

The topics of race, sexuality, affinity, socioeconomic standing and personal association are crucially important discussions to have and we encourage that they continue to happen in a productive and constructive manner. As members of the DePauw community, we must be respectful and appreciative of each individual's unique experience. Students should in no way feel that they be forced to speak on an issue or on the behalf of an identity because of their background. In this regard we ask students refrain from harmful generalizations and stereotypes. We want to motivate students to find commonalities and we continue to grow and become ever more knowledgeable. There are inevitable difficulties and hurdles to face when we try to empathize with each other, but they do not create a barrier we cannot overcome.

When issues arise that are infused with high levels of passion and emotional attachment, a sense for immediate sweeping change is often associated. Issues that lie at the core of our community are multifaceted, and as we tackle them head on it is worth noting that meaningful discourse and change takes time. We are unbelievably encouraged by the potential solutions people have put forth and hope that people find ways to actively pursue these issues beyond this academic year.

Students are welcome to attend the Diversity and Equity Committee meeting today in the UB Ballroom at 4:00pm. It is our hope that students work towards being positive allies and support one another during the push for improved understanding, respect and education.

- DePauw Student Goverment Executive Board