DePauw alumni create online memory saving resource


Past and current students can now compile all of their favorite DePauw memories and reflections on their experience on a new website alumni-created website -

Brandon Sokol and Jason Becker, both 2004 graduates, created an online memory bank that allows for the recording and sharing of memories of people, places and things.

The DePauw community is the first to be invited to use the website - which is up and running, but not yet open to the public - because of the creators connections to the university. Anyone can view the site, it is necessary to request in invitation in order to become an active member of the site.

"What better place to start than a place we all have collective memories from?" Sokol said.

Becker agrees with Sokol in the importance of the DePauw community being the pilot group for the website, as the university is important place to all members of the team and it has been a very cool experience in getting to launch this site with a place they all love.

"The significance of the DePauw launch is due to our own history and memories with the university. We both went to DePauw as with several of our members," Becker said. "It is a special thing for us to be thinking about when we built the product. It was especially cool for us to go to market with them to showcase them as the place in the memory bank."

The idea to create an open forum for collect people's ideas originated in March 2010. The building and actual construction of the site then began in November of 2011.

The introduction of the website is a part of DePauw's 175th anniversary celebrations. So far, the site has 221 members, all of whom are DePauw alumni, and there are over 200 memories posted.

Both Sokol and Becker hope that more members of the alumni and current student communities will join the site and share their memories.

"We have built a very cool product," Sokol said. "It is a Wikipedia for memories. It is an open space to collaborate of any topic in the world."