First off, congratulations on getting accepted to a great school (the term “great” is contingent on personal measurement) where almost everyone is as welcoming as the PBS Kids TV show, Barney.
Here at DePauw, we pride ourselves on an affluent financial status, high academics and the lackluster parties we throw—because we are so into our studies. If at any moment Angie Nally were to find you partying, Community Standards will be knocking at your door. (Realistically, you will be knocking at their door or however the process works. Never been, nor do I want to go.)
Anyways, congratulations on getting here. I figured you might want some tips so here they are:
Procrastination: Don’t do it. I literally wrote this article 28 minutes before it was due, and it’s not a great feeling. So lesson learned. Don’t procrastinate on any assignments or items. It’s a lesson you may have learned in high school, but if not, you will learn soon. Unfortunately, for some, procrastinating becomes routine; I'm in my senior year and I still haven’t learned.
Drinking: Be careful when/if you drink. We have a heavy culture of alcohol on campus, and sometimes you may be peer-pressured to give in. You must stay strong and say no to whoever is convincing you to do this. Pay attention to the alcohol seminars that you will be listening to at the beginning of the year.
Get to know the people on your floor, your RA, and the upperclassmen. Getting to know these people will increase your social circle and will help you enjoy your college experience and to learn new things you may have never known.
Keep your mind open about Greek life. Joining a fraternity and a sorority may not be for everyone, but is a great experience to have in case you do love it. I personally love my fraternity and have found that making all these brothers has been an amazing life decision. Just keep an open mind.
Be involved on campus: You may find things you like that you have never done or have never had the chance to do. It keeps you involved with the other students on campus and will help you grow as a student and as a person.
Stay on top of academics: You are at college to learn, to excel in your studies and to become what you dream of being in the future. Make sure to use professors and any of the help that DePauw offers. Many first-years find that juggling their social life with their academic life can be a difficult task, just remember that you must stay on top of your classes and stay organized with your class work.
-Steele is a senior education studies major from Chicago, Illinois