Bookstore Relocation Committee members chosen


As construction and moving continue to take place as a result of the Stellar Communities Grant and DePauw 20/20 plan, DePauw's bookstore will be relocated to the town square.

In an effort to please students as the planning phases for this move occur, student government president Charles Pierre said he consulted with President Brian Casey to gather a group of students to serve on the Bookstore Relocation Committee.

Following processing of applications from various candidates, Pierre said student government chose 10 students to consult with Casey and other university administrators about what they would like to see in a new bookstore.

Pierre emphasized the importance of student opinion in the moving process.

"I think that because it is going to be such a big change and such a large move that will affect us all, I think that students should have a huge say in what this bookstore has in it," Pierre said.

The committee will meet Friday for its first discussion.