What Busts My Hump: weather complaints


It's that time of year again: corn mazes, trick-or-treating, pumpkin flavored everything and subzero post-apocalyptic ice age temperatures. Woah, slow your roll there McDrama Queen. Frigid ice age temperatures? Obviously not. But just from listening in on some conversations, one would believe it is an arctic freeze out there. It busts my hump when people complain about how cold it is outside. Here is my humble opinion: if 50-degree temperatures in October are so cold that you need to complain about it every time you walk around campus, do not come to a school in the Midwest. 
As I write this, it is currently 52 degrees. Being from Chicagoland, these mid-50s fall temperatures are a special treat. To me, this seems like an above-average temperature for mid to late autumn. Talk to anyone hailing from outside the Midwest, and you would think it was January in Canada.
Of course, there is the psychological effect that we are transitioning into winter, which makes one think that it feels colder than it really is. But if it were the same temperature in March, we would break out the booty shorts and slap on the flippy floppies. In both situations, we are dealing with temperatures more extreme than our expectations - colder for fall, warmer for spring.
You wanted sweater weather, you got sweater weather. These temperatures are mild, and if you are unable to handle this "tundra," then I think you are in the wrong place. The Midwest is known for being colder and snowier than the rest of the country. Have you ever seen Home Alone or ER? Both shot in the Midwest, it was always snowing. If this 50-degree paradise is too egregious for your delicate constitution, start praying.
Now, if you can't toughen up and handle Indiana's temperate climate, at least do me this one favor: stop complaining about it everyday. Griping about the weather will not make it any warmer. All that hot air coming out of your mouth will just disperse. Besides, all that oxygen on your teeth will only promote cavities.
When you gave a big fat "yes" to attend DePauw University, smack dab in the middle of the Midwest, you knew what you were getting into: cold weather and a lot of it. Global warming (bad) is making life easy and comfy here. So, if the Mighty Midwest's mild fall temperatures feel like you could use a dog sled, buck up or buy a down parka. Winter will only get worse, and I've hit my saturation point of listening to you whine about the weather.
See something that busts your hump? Email me at maevemcdonough_2015@depauw.edu or tweet me @MaeveMcDonough and let me know.

- McDonough is a sophomore from Glenn Ellyn, Ill., majoring in communication.