

Thumbs up: The women's basketball team's NCAC Conference Championship win and successful season

We congratulate the team on the string of wins in their first season in the NCAC conference. Special congratulations to senior Kate Aldrich, sophomore Ali Ross and Coach Kris Huffman on their awards. We also wish the team luck as they compete in the NCAA National Division III Tournament this weekend. Go Tigers!

Thumbs Up: Student government's efforts to unite and encourage the student body

We support student government's efforts to further the goal of creating a greater sense of unity on campus by promoting connections early in the DePauw experience. As the groups moves forward with its plans we hope it will take into consideration student opinion and consider realistic options.

It's always good to see student government moving forward on initiatives to draw more student support to DePauw athletic events. Students should support fellow students in all of their affairs and revving up school spirit by encouraging students to attend athletic events is a good start.

Thumbs Up: Helen Alberta's Diary, a key to DePauw's past

We'd like to extend our most sincere gratitude to Helen Alberta Williams for doing something many of us DePauw students have neglected to over the years — record a piece of DePauw's history by keeping a journal. And special thanks to Dr. Warren Macy for finding the diary and donating it to the university for us to reflect upon our past.

With the help of President Brian Casey, Archivist Wes Wilson, Executive Director of Putnam County Museum Tanis Monday and many others, the diary will be preserved and its contents will be shared with others. Seldom do we as students receive the opportunity to gaze into such a window of our university's history and this opportunity should be appreciated accordingly.

Let's take a look at her DePauw experience and compare it to our own. Let's discover the ways in which our institution has changed and the ways in which it has remained the same, for better or for worse.

We also encourage students, faculty and staff to keep their own journals so that, one day, future generations will fondly look back on DePauw's present day.