Take advantage of anti-winter weather


It's been an interesting winter to say the least. According to the weathermen all over America, it was supposed to be one of the harshest winters of the decade.

However, the temperatures tell a different story.

Here in the mid-west, it's normal to have a constant few inches of snow on the ground at all times during the months of Dec. through mid March. So, depending on how you look at it, we have been pretty lucky this year. We are approaching the month of March. and it is 52 degrees, skies are blue, and the sun it out.

This hasn't been a once in a blue moon occurrence this year either. We entered the month of Feb. in the mid 50s and the weather stayed beautiful, spring like, for nearly a week. Granted, there have been a couple of oddly freezing days, and icy roads, but overall, it is safe to say (for those of us from the Mid-West) that it feels as though we never actually entered the "winter season." We have seen the sun. Maybe the groundhog didn't actually see his shadow after all, just maybe spring has come.

So what is better then the sun shining in Feb.? The effects that it has on us. Most of us are accustomed to saying goodbye to the sun for months on end as we endure the hollow months of winter and try as best we can to avoid seasonal depression during the dark, gloomy months. But this year, that ball of fire far out in our atmosphere has continued to pop in for us lately.

And DePauw students know how to take advantage of this special treat. The nature park has been in commotion by students on these lovely days who take walks, hikes, runs, and trail rides as the sun shines through the leafless trees and glimmers on the quarry. The campus has seen the continuous rounds of campus golf games, and the tennis courts have been occupied non stop.

There's no doubt that this weather has been getting DePauw students outside and enjoying every last bit of it. But not only does the sun and the warm weather keep us active, it keeps us happy. Vitamin D is one of the most essential vitamins our bodies need to function properly, and that vitamin can come straight from the sun. When we are able to expose our bodies to days such as this that are anything but average here in the Midwest, something in us changes a little bit. Vitamin D keeps us healthy, it keeps us smiling, optimistic, and overall happy.

There is something about a sunny day that puts a little more bounce in one's step. A little bit more motivation to help us get though this stressful life. So the next time the sun is out, make sure to take full advantage of it.

Instead of running on a treadmill, make your way to the nature park. Instead of studying in your room, study by a window and let the sun shine down on your books, or head over to the Prindle. Spring break is right around the corner, and before you know it, summer will be too. So while you can, take time to appreciate the beautiful sun that is shining down on you filling you with vitamin D.

And for those days when the sun isn't shining so bright, create your own sun with these fun songs to keep you smiling:

- Blue Skies Again by Jessica Lea Mayfield

- Happy As the Sun by Tyrone Wells

- 5 Years Time by Noah and the Whale

- Float On by Modest Mouse

— Brinker is a freshman from Stevensville, Mich., with an undecided major. opinion@thedepauw.com