Reevaluation first step in effectiveness


We're glad student government took the initiative to put together a committee who's sole responsibility is to analyze effectiveness and organization.

As these audits take place, efficiency and positive change becomes more likely in an organization with a high turnover of student leaders year after year. Every college organization has to cope with these inconsistencies.

The report that the committee of five students put together focuses on the need to improve communication among the branches by becoming more familiar with each other through retreats and separate activities.

It is our suggestion that these recommendations be taken seriously. As elected leaders, the members of student government have a responsibility to interact fully with one another in order to create a dialogue and prioritize the issues they need to tackle.

Cohesion and understanding among team members is an important part of working towards a common goal. Certainly, students who communicate more effectively will be more constructive when working together.

Additionally, increased engagement within the different segments of student government will positively translate to the rest of the student body. When all parties are fully aware of current issues, the student body can better influence the proceedings in student government and have more control over white papers and resolutions.

Lastly, it is unsettling to know that a major problem with productivity is too many students being distracted by Facebook during student government meetings. This problem probably stems from the required attendance by one member of each organization on campus. No doubt they are more invested in the club they represent than the proceedings of a meeeting with over one hundred other students.

We certainly hope logging onto Facebook isn't an issue among the elected senatorial and executive members.

Maybe these meetings that bring an audience of indentured representatives should act as a sounding board for the larger community, instead of a time to initiate action.

We look forward to reading the committee's report evaluating allocations board.

While there is work to be done, the fact that student government initiated this self-audit is reassuring. Instigating evaluation is only part of the equation, though — following through is the final piece.

The evaluation committe has spoken; now, let's see some action.