A semester in recap: cheers, tears and jeers from the editorial board


For years, The DePauw's editorial board has opted to sum up the semester at DePauw in its final editorial by way of cheers, tears and jeers. We offer you here our estimation of what was applause-worthy, saddening and downright comical about DePauw this semester.

- to construction steadily progressing on DePauw's campus. It will be incredible, though we as seniors won't get to enjoy the new facilities during our time as students.
- to the new alumni database. We hope alumni are as eager to connect with us as we are to connect with them. (Please employ us).
- to student entrepreneurship. We have to earn our tuition somehow, might as well indulge classmates with pizza, cookies and IT support at the same time.
- to President Casey and Wabash's President Hess standing together with Freedom Indiana. Sometimes we must all stand with our peers for what we believe in.
- to Tim and Sharon Ubben for endowing a lecture series that provided DePauw students three extremely distinct speakers this semester.

- discrepancy between the Community Standards process and the Lifeline Law.
- to security cameras being placed in all the wrong places.
- to Hoods and Capers closing, we'll miss dollar drink night.
- to losing the Monon Bell for the fifth year in a row. Hopefully we will win it back someday.
- to Low Road gallery losing University funding. We hope they'll continue fundraising and providing the community with a venue to appreciate art.

- to the argument about changing Winter Term. Looks like we'll keep it as is for now, thanks.
- to the administration's reaction to DePauw's ranking as a top party school, that letter did, however rank out well on the Huffington Post.
- to the Hubbard Center. What is the difference between an internship and an externship again?
- to the growing lines at fraternities caused by increased security. Is there any way we can adopt a Fast Pass system?