Correction from Eye On The World


The editorial board of Eye On The World would like to call to your attention a correction in the Fall 2011 issue. The article "Jangele Ma — Teach Me" by Sajel Tremblay was based on her individual experience in Pikine, Senegal and was incorrectly presented as an experience of Africa.

We also regret labeling articles by country, as we don't wish to present students travels as representative of an entire nation but rather highlight their unique off-campus experience.

Unfortunately our error is not the first on DePauw's campus. Africa is incorrectly portrayed as a single country, despite the reality that it is composed of 52 countries and 1 billion people.

This is perpetuated by national media and other social institutions, but moving forward as an editorial board and members of the student body we will be changing the editorial process to present ourselves our writers in a more accurate manner.

If you have any further feedback or comments please do not hesitate to email