Underrepresented in Science on study-session misunderstanding in student gov.


During the student government session on Sunday Feb. 12, several DePauw Student Assembly members were concerned about the academic integrity of Underrepresented in Science (UiS) regarding student access to past test exams during their study sessions. We would like to address this general misunderstanding and clarify both this activity and what UiS as an organization represents.

As mentioned in the presentation given in student assembly, UiS hosts study sessions allowing students to interact and help expand their understanding of the course work.

We do provide past tests though these tests are the ones that professors have already placed online and any student taking the course has access to them. All we do is print out these tests so that it can be a resource for students to use as a study guide at our sessions if they desire.

We are thankful to the student assembly for recognizing us as an organization and we are sorry about the miscommunication that has occurred.

UiS strives to uphold academic integrity and does not support students violating the rules set forth the university. We are excited about the opportunity to support students through our organization and will work to make a positive impact on campus.

— Anderson Antoine, junior

President of Underrepresented in Science