Campus golf: The perfect way to take advatnage of good weather


It's finally spring here at good ol' DePauw. The sky is getting bluer, the grass is getting greener, our course loads are getting progressively harder. And, as usual, the weather is bipolar. This time of year, a typical week can consist of three cold rainy days, three blistering hot days and one blissfully perfect day where the campus seems to come alive. So what should we do with the one gorgeous day we are given each week?
The answer is all around us on those beautiful sunny days. We see it everywhere: By the Dells, in Bowman Park, by the Hub, etc. It is a pastime usually enjoyed by fraternity guys (and the occasional girl).
Yes, I am talking about campus golf.
Don't knock it until you try it. I had never given the sport a fair chance until an October weekend last semester, and I seriously had the time of my life. I now find the sport to be considerably underrated, as I experienced one of the most epic games this campus has ever seen.
In mid-October, my best friend and I finally decided to give campus golf a try with our visiting dads. It was such a beautiful day that we grabbed some old golf clubs and a few tennis balls and were off to play the game.
We started off in Bowman Park and slowly made our way around campus. At one point we had to hit the balls from the entranceway of Julian over to the stone lampposts next to Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Though I hit my tennis ball as hard as I could, it ended up in the middle of the street. Cars surrounded my ball and as I waited at the side of the road for them to pass so I could make my next move. They stopped, motioning me to go because they wanted to watch me hit it. Frantically, I ran to my ball, swung and missed twice before I finally hit it. Needless to say, it wasn't my finest moment.
I also ran into trouble when I hit my ball into a bush by Hannah Street. It's probably still there because, after searching for a good thirty minutes, I could not find my ball. Now I know to always bring a spare.
When we reached the Boulder, my friend thought it would be a good idea to pull out the camera. I posed and made the most epic hit of the game - the look on my face was priceless when the ball hit a concrete wall and bounced back to exactly where it was originally. Clearly, it took me a while to warm up before I got the hang of the sport.
However, by the time we reached the area between the Hub and East College, my friend and I were so knowledgable about the sport, we felt the need to yell "fore!" after every hit. We finished the game on top, and I definitely feel like a pro now.
With this incredible weather and high temperatures, sometimes the best thing we can do is enjoy the warmth while we have it. Campus golf is one of those ways. Whether you're a natural pro, or struggle with hitting the ball, it proves to be a good time for everyone. So if you ever want to play a game of campus golf, hit me up. I am definitely in.

- Dobias is a sophomore from Fishers, Ind., majoring in communications and minoring in political science and computer science.