Cheers, Jeers and Tears


Cheers to Yo-Yo Ma embodying the DePauw learning experience.

Jeers to leaky pipes, moldy hallways, broken elevators and millions in deferred maintenance.

Tears to a Monon Classic blowout, again.

Cheers to Tiger dominance in the North Coast Athletic Conference in our first year as a member school. Roar!

Jeers to little outcome to student government's white papers: no new study spaces, no progress on how kegs can work in our party scene and lingering WiFi dead spots.

Tears to loosing The Monon restaurant. Sunday mornings will not be the same without your cheap, greasy food.

Cheers to Emison becoming an exciting, modern space for the Office of Admissions.

Jeers to the metal doors that don't quite fit on the classical granite facade.

Tears to only three home football games as the team sat in conference limbo.

Cheers to Dean Mark McCoy living up to his high expectations as the new face of the School of Music.

Jeers to an expensive and unsuccesful Union Board concert, again.

Tears to tearing down members of our community with irresponsible hate speech and discrimination. We are better than that.

Cheers to a step in the right direction to addressing our campus climate. We still have a long way to go.

Jeers to the Lilly Center and the lack of any athletic facility improvement.

Tears to men's soccer first round loss to Case Western in the NCAA Div. III tournament. We thought they were going all the way.

Cheers to a successful admissions material re-branding and a cool new website.

Jeers to field hockey and football being displaced from their normal playing fields. We never knew there were so many breeds of grass.

Tears to Pepsi replacing Coke, although $1 million saved is pretty nice

Cheers to Noah Droddy for finishing ninth at the NCAA Div. III national meet.

Jeers to low voter participation in the student government elections.

Cheers to freshmen playing detective and busting a meth lab.

Jeers to freshmen telling seniors to move out of the way. Watch yourself.

Tears to hazing. Not cool.

Cheers to DePauw University's 175th birthday and The DePauw's 160th. Cheers to Old DePauw.