Freshman year presents a fresh start, memories


     Dear incoming freshman, congratulations on choosing DePauw!

      I promise you made the right choice. Freshman year at DePauw is an exciting time characterized by adjusting to the college lifestyle, newfound friendships and lack of parental control. Not too long ago I was a freshman living the life in south quad. I had some pretty crazy adventures, and I learned a variety of life lessons during that time period. As a result, I have devised a list of recommendations for you based on my own experiences.

First, college presents a fresh start; so don't be afraid to be yourself. Any mistakes that you have made in the past are just that: in the past. In high school, I was very focused on getting the best grades. As a result, I didn't get out as much as I wanted to. I was introverted and a bit antisocial. When I came to campus at the beginning of freshman year, I decided that I did not want to be that person anymore. I still care about my grades, but I am now focused on other things outside of that. I have so many amazing friends, and so few boring moments. So if you felt stereotyped in some way in high school, just know that you can be whoever you want. Be yourself.

Second, put yourself out there. Branch out and make so many friends that there aren't enough hours in the day to hang out with all of them. Make friends with your roommates and fellow mentees. When I was a freshman, I lived in Hogate, also known as "Hoghetto." I absolutely loved every minute of it. The first friends I made at DePauw were my suitemates and a few girls down the hall.

I also became really good friends with one of the girls in my mentor group, and made a ton of new guy friends. I am proud to say that we are all still really good friends. This year, as juniors, my old suitemates and I are moving into a house together. However, the most important lesson I have learned regarding friends is you can never have enough. Even as a sophomore I continued to branch out and make new friends. I advise you to do the same.

Thirdly, enjoy being a freshman living in the freshman dorms. At times you may cringe at the 'antique' feel of dormitory living, but there is so much good that comes with it.

Don't be too quick to go to the fraternities. Some of my fondest memories of DePauw happened in my suite in Hogate.

We had so many girls' nights where we would invite our friends over to hang out and watch movies in the suite. In fact, not long after my friends and I moved into the suite, we had posters all over the walls and had covered the furniture with colored sheets.

We even got a broken car stereo, an orange traffic cone and a zen garden to decorate. To us, the suite had become home. In a way, I really miss it.

However, my most important word of advice to you as incoming freshman is to make a bucket list. Trust me, you should do it. My friends and I made a bucket list at the beginning of freshman year.

We included things like, go to the rope swing just outside of town, make a midnight trip to Edna and be scared out of your mind and do a Boulder run.

We have all kinds of crazy stuff on there. My friend and I pulled it out the other day, and we were surprised at the amount of things on the list we still have to do before we graduate.

I think the coolest part is being able to look back as a senior at all of the crazy things you did during your time at DePauw.


- Dobias is a sophomore from Fishers, Ind., majoring in communication with a minor in political science and computer science.