A Letter From The DePauw Hillel Executive Board


Dear DePauw Community,

The members of DePauw Hillel’s executive board would like to express their deepest sorrow to the many members of our community who have been hurt, directly and indirectly, by the recent hate speech targeted at members of our campus community. Racism is not a topic this organization takes lightly and is unacceptable in our eyes. The ongoing fight against hatred and bigotry is deeply imbedded in the Jewish values that our organization holds dear. We stand alongside anyone on this campus who is attacked, insulted, or in any way oppressed for who they are. 

As a student organization founded on religious values, we are open and accepting of anybody who needs a friend. Nobody on this campus should ever feel alone; we are among many groups and individuals on this campus with our arms outstretched to those in need.  Our hope is to work with others to turn DePauw into the community it ought to be, making sure that all feel safe and welcome here.


The DePauw Hillel Executive Board