175th Kick-off Celebration Photo-Opinion



TDP asks: If you could personally wish DePauw "happy birthday," what would you say?


"Cheers! Cheers to success, diversity and 175 years full of an intellectual institution. What a wonderful year to graduate. Happy Birthday DePauw."

— Adrienne Taylor, senior


"Hope for DePauw to continue to fulfill the original dream of those who started it. Happy Birthday."

— Bishop Mike Coyner


"To continuing years of financial prosperity."

— Brad Kelsheimer, vice president of finance and administration


"Happy Birthday. Continue to celebrate!"

Chelsi Young, freshman


"I wish you, DePauw, another 175 years as successful and continually growing as the last 175."

— Douglas Smith '68


"You look pretty good for 175."

— Joe Hessburg, sophomore


"You don't look a day over 100!"

— Katie Rourke and Sam Mullennax, freshmen


"How many ways can I say Happy Birthday to you DePauw?"

— Lindsay Stegman, director of annual giving


"Happy Birthday and here is to another 175 years as successful as the last."

— Logan Meek, senior


"DePauw, keep producing more and more intellectuals into a world that needs them."

— Maribel Diaz, freshman


"Cheers to another 175 years. Happy Birthday, DePauw."

— Page Cotton, senior advisor to the president 


"We hope that in 125 years, hundreds will gather for your 4th century."

— President Brian Casey and Luke Bretscher, senior


"Continue promoting DePauw values and spread the word. You are a diamond in the rough. Happy Birthday, DePauw."

— Ryan Heeb, sophomore