175th Anniversary celebration thank you


Thanks to all of our students for taking part in the events, programs and contests during the 175th Anniversary Student Life Celebration last week! I hope everyone had the opportunity through these programs to learn something new about the history of DePauw, serve the community, make new memories and have fun.
I especially appreciate the hard work of the 175th Anniversary Student Life Subcommittee members - Brian Alkire, Dawn Ballard, Mackenzie Cremeans, Raven Connel, Jordan Davis, Kathryn Drew, Sharon Hayes, Matt Keinsley, Alecia Kubicki, Carter McKay, Associate Dean of Students Cara Setchell, and Dean of Campus Life Dorian Shager - as well as the Student Life staff who worked on programs. These individuals made the celebration possible and the results were phenomenal. Because of them, our community had nearly 175 donors giving 120 pints of blood to the Indiana Blood Center and will have 175 students trained in American Red Cross Citizen CPR. We came together around events and contests like campus history golf, campus history geocaching, the volleyball game, the Old Gold tailgate, the football game and a fantastic outdoor Union Board concert. We learned from Bill Rasmussen's lecture, Peace Camp discussions and presentations on the history of our student groups on campus. We celebrated with DePauw birthday cupcakes, contests, a television show, musical entertainment and a student time capsule sealed until our bicentennial. We had quite a week!
A special thanks to Steve Setchell, Chairman of the 175th Anniversary Committee, and Cindy Babington, Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students, for their leadership and commitment to our students and the celebration! I also appreciate our program sponsors: Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic, Alpha Phi, Delta Upsilon, American Red Cross, Indiana Blood Center, Campus Life, Campus Living and Community Development, Student Government, Union Board and D3TV. I was proud to work with such fantastic students and colleagues this past week, and I look forward to even more fun and learning as we continue our 175th Anniversary celebration!

- Eric Wolfe '04
Greek Life Coordinator and Chair, Student Life Subcommittee of 175th Anniversary Committee