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EDITORIAL: The DePauw can act as a forum for multicultural debate

One semester after “The Movement” catapulted the issue of racial equality on DePauw University’s campus to the forefront, a second wave is hitting. ...

LETTER: DePauw's climate is what you make of it

While I won't presume to discount the personal experiences of students on DePauw's campus, I can certainly say that I am baffled at the...

LETTER: Covanta's response to "Covanta and the implications of sorted vs....

After reading Eleanor Prices’ op-ed about recycling, it’s clear that misperceptions still linger about Covanta’s energy-from-waste operations and the company’s plan to improve recycling...

OPINION: Conflict Kitchen — an example of how to respond to...

Last month, Prindle sponsored a visit from Conflict Kitchen, a restaurant in Pittsburgh that exclusively serves cuisine from countries in which that the United States...

OPINION: When science and legislation collide — the l'Aquila earthquake

Jackson Mote is a junior French l anguage major from Indianapolis. CHRISTA SCHRODEL / THE DEPAUW Yesterday, an Italian appeals court...

OPINION: Flower-ins and Title IX — a cause for change

Cara Bargiacchi is a political science and conflict studies major from Memphis, Tennessee. Flower-ins are a DePauw tradition, and there has...

OPINION: Composting—We can do it

Ashley Junger is a junior English literature and biology double major from St. Louis. Junger is also an Environmental Fellow.  CHRISTA SCHRODEL / THE...

Letter to the editor: Tailgate recycling update

We are excited to announce that our recycling efforts at this year's home football games have diverted over 1,000 pounds of recyclable materials away...

Letter to the editor: Latino leadership critical to classrooms, campus

As an educator, I’ve come to rely on historical dates and special occasions to ground my classroom in the world around us – from...

OPINION: United States Congress -- 100 Women, 97 Years

Leeann Sausser is a junior English writing and history double major from Indianapolis. After the midterm elections this week, for the...