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Tag: equality

OPINION: Why women should stop apologizing

Annie Skoulis is a senior English writing major from Columbus, Ohio. SAM CARAVANA / THE DEPAUW Imagine yourself walking through the airport...

OPINION: We should all learn from Ferguson

-Whiting is a junior Prindle Intern from Indianapolis -This article is also featured in The Prindle Post PHOTO COURTESY OF DEPAUW.EDU ...

#DearDePauw Makes an appearance on Social Media Websites

Recently, senior Ashton Johnson introduced the hashtag #DearDepauw on Twitter and it has since been picked up by other students and utilized on Facebook...

LETTER: Sociology and anthropology faculty on DePauw’s campus climate

As professional sociologists and anthropologists, we are committed to the scholarly examination of inequalities related to race, ethnicity, class, gender, ability and sexuality. We...

Justice Thursdays address campus concerns

First-year Greisy Genao sets up Justice Thursdays while sophomore Onyi Awani looks on. EMILY MCCARTER / THE DEPAUW Students rushed down...