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South quad signs recovered by DePauw Public Safety

The sign outside Bishop Roberts Hall
was one of many stolen recently. 

With theft plaguing much of DePauw’s campus, it is no secret that all of the identifying signs were stolen from freshmen dorms.

 What started off as some weekend fun quickly turned into first-years’ burden. Students were faced with the possibility that they would have to pay for the signs to be replaced if they were not located and returned, according to an email from Wendy Wippich, director of campus living to students living in Bishop Roberts Hall.

“It’s not fair because it was not damage I did, if they are going to make people pay they should do further research in it so they are getting the right people responsible,” said first-year Samantha Bader.

It’s been a week or two since the sign theft and there has been a break in the case of the missing signs. The DePauw has been notified by email from Director of Public Safety Angela Nally that all of the signs have been recovered with only minor damage.

Nally explained that the dorm signs will be hung back up in South Quad.


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