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Halloween hasn't passed, it's on Wednesday

Thanks to the unfortunate schedule of the year, Halloween has ended before it has even started. The technical calendar lists this unorthodox holiday on Wednesday, middle of the week. DePauw students, acknowledging our own self-capacity for weaseling anything for our own benefit, moved it to the weekend prior. Well played.
But take a gander at where that places us. What will make this Wednesday different from those previous? We will take our same, monotonous strolls to class, going through the motions with the aid of our watered-down, dark roast coffee.
In order to elude the routines that sometimes plague our everyday life, we need to celebrate this holiday just as we did this weekend.
I don't exactly mean how most students celebrated this past weekend, by consuming celebratory alcohol. There is one thing that students can still rest their hats upon ­- commitment to costumes.
Some people may immediately disregard this notion, and fair enough to them. There are cons, and I wont shy away from them. Yes, it's not comfortable to sit in your hour and a half political science lecture dressed up as a bottle of ketchup while your professor puzzlingly debates any standard they held to you before. Yes, the eternally sweet, genuine ladies at the Hub may shoot you a judgmental glance at your fake mustache, red overalls and your 'M' lettered cap as she swipes your card.
We're approaching the end of the Mayan calendar - why not walk across East College lawn dressed as Batman? There is an upside (and it isn't a four letter abbreviation by Drake). The reason that should convince you to throw on those glittery fairy wings that you found on sale at Wal-Mart, is for the memorable, distinctive laughs that you can share with your friends on this day, and this day only.
Don't write that off as a typical cliché, because it isn't. Halloween on a weekday is a tremendous opportunity for us to collectively make a fool of ourselves in a way that is atypical from our typical Halloween celebration. It couldn't come at a better time. Midterms are behind us, and final exams are just a stone's throw away.
It can also show your creative side. The good ol' right side of the brain! How often can you convert the most erratic thought into your wardrobe of the day? Unless you were a cast member on Jackass, then probably not too often.
Take this opportunity to spice up your average Wednesday. Take a step out of your shoes of public speculation and embrace your own originality. There won't be many Wednesdays for you to complete a chemistry lab as Captain Jack Sparrow, take a scantron as Bane or order a wrap from the Den as an Oompa Loompa.

- Easterhouse is a sophomore from Evergreen Park, Ill., majoring in communication.  

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